Pioneer Valley
Mycological Association
Multi-Day Forays
Attending a multi-day foray is a fun, exciting and rewarding experience. These forays provide opportunities for amateurs to rub elbows with professionals and well known advanced amateurs, go on fungus hunting walks in areas that are unfamiliar to you, hear talks from some of the foremost mycological experts, and make new mycophile friends. Some forays that our members have attended are listed below. There are many others around the country; check "Events" on the NAMA web site if you are interested. Click here for information on PVMA scholarships to help defray the cost of attending a foray.
If you are interested in learning what it is like to attend a foray, read the articles below, written by PVMA members:
PVMA at the Clark Rogerson Foray: The Value in Volunteering
by Jess Evans
Notes from the 2018 NEMF Sam Ristich Foray
By Sue Lancelle and Jessica Benson Evans
The 2019 PVMA White Mountains Foray:
Five Days of Intensive Fun and Learning
By Claus Schlund
Attending COMA's 2019 Clark Rogerson Foray
By Jessica Benson Evans

Sorting the fungal finds on the collection table at Dianna's PVMA White Mountain Foray.

The bolete table at the 2020 COMA Clark Rogerson Foray

PVMA members attending the 2018 NEMF foray in Geneseo, New York
Annual Foray of the Northeast Mycological Federation (NEMF)

This year's foray is sponsored by the Cape Cod Mycological Society, the Boston Mycological Society, the Monadnock Mushroomers, and our club!
October 11-14 Hyannis, Cape Cod
More information available in early spring: nemf.org

COMA Clark Rogerson Foray
Camp Hemlocks in Hebron, CT