Pioneer Valley
Mycological Association
Fungi Kingdom University

Every spring, the PVMA conducts a series of 3-4 hour workshops on describing fungi, mushroom identification, edibility/toxicity, medicinal fungi, characteristics of various genera and species, associated habitat and tree associations, cooking, citizen science, the functional roles of fungi, and other topics. These take place on Sundays in March, April and May between 9:45 AM and 1:30 PM at Dianna Smith's home in Leeds (Northampton), MA - before the collecting season begins. If you want to jump-start and/or radically improve your understanding of our connections with the world of fungi, you will want to take this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and appreciation of these important organisms. To keep the price within everyone’s means, we are charging just enough ($85) to cover the costs of giving our deserving guest speakers a fair honorarium in return for sharing their wisdom and passion for fungi with us.
We hope to resume Fungi Kingdom University in Spring 2023.