Pioneer Valley
Mycological Association
PVMA Scholarship Application
Scholarship amounts vary and are available to help defray the cost of attending a multi-day foray. The application is for current PVMA members only. The application should be comprised of a letter to the scholarship committee that includes:
1) Which foray or educational workshop you want to attend.
2) Your specific interests in the field of mycology and how attending the foray will aid you in furthering your mycological education. Examples include learning about edibles, learning more about a particular group of fungi, wanting to hear presentations from experts in the field, etc.
3) Why you think you’re a good candidate for the award.
The application deadline is July 30. If there are no applicants by the deadline, late applications may be considered. In the event of a limited amount of funds, and there are multiple scholarship winners, the total award may be split. If a winning applicant is unable to attend the foray due to an extenuating circumstance, the award will be forfeited and given to the next qualified applicant. We must receive a copy of the foray registration before the award will be disbursed. Note: The number of scholarships in any given year will be dependent upon the PVMA treasury balance. Scholarship recipients who wish to re-apply in subsequent years will be considered after those who have never applied before. Please email all inquiries and/or applications to Jess Evans (email here).